I have requested permission from the publisher (ECB) to quote the book here. As you know, it is forbidden to use other people's work without their consent. Read ECB's answer.

Think before you post

Before you write a comment and post it, don't forget to think. You may want to use WORD to write and edit your comment. If you do so, you will have a chance to re-read your comment before you copy and paste it to the blog. This will give you the opportunity to think again about what you have just written before you actually post it. I also suggest you preview your comment before you publish it.
Think before you post.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

How Time Works

"Time is something that most of us take for granted. Have you ever thought about why, for example, there are 12 months in a year? Why are there 30 days in September? Why are there time zones and what's with daylight-saving time? Why are there 86,400 seconds in a day? ..."

Read the article by Marshall Brain and then tell us what you have learned and what you think about it.

You may want to answer the following question: How does time work?

Winter Blues

I woul like to beat the Winter Blues, but i don't know how. Please, I need your help. Why don't you google the seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and winter blues, and then tell me what to do?
I am looking forward to your answers!

There's a time

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Ecclesiastes 3

The following items deal with this subject.

First, sit back, look, listen and enjoy, and then answer the questions that follow.

1. There's a time - You tube

From: willsendvideo

2. Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season)

Get this widget Track details eSnips Social DNA

Added to mine by qfpinto on Sep. 29 2007

3. Slide Share - Time

From: chucho1943

Answer the following questions. Explain your answers.

1. How are these three items similar and how are they different?

2.Which of the three is the best? Why do you think so? Give and justify your opinion.

Open Question

I'm a night person, how do I become a day person?

I have a child and a house to take care of but I have always been a night person. I need to have all the energy I feel at night, during the day. How do I do that?

I wake up around 7 or 8 and go to bed around 10 or 11 but I feel lazy during the day.

At night around 5 or 6 I start feeling like I am wide awake and can clean my house and play with my daughter and am alot happier.

How do I reverse it? Please anything you know can help.

I want to feel how I do at night during the day.


Laura Lane, Seattle, USA